Wednesday, October 19, 2011

57 days until we try that new mexican place you were telling me about....

Do you see that?? It used to be over 100 days.
No one can take amazingly flattering pictures with me like
Rachey Baby can.
Have you introduced the blog to your bf?
You should.
Have him take a look at what he's getting himself into, okay?
And make sure you tell him about our 4 vacations we're taking a year.
So he better make a lot of money, because we only do things in a
big way.
Also, tell him about how much we like to shop, get our hair done, nails, pedi's,
any excuse for eating out, mainly spending money at any given chance. Make sure he knows all of that so he doesn't learn the hard way like mine did.
My computer is broken, so all I had to choose from
were these priceless beauties.
I wish I was really rich so I could pay for a ticket for you to come see me.
Because last time that you were here, lots of great stuff happened to me.
Cutting extensions out of my hair for over an hour, because they decided
to become dreads over night.
Forgetting my wallet and car registration when I got pulled over
by a crazy police officer, who stalked us for 40 blocks....not even exaggerating.
Losing my phone at the mall.
Is that it? Or am I forgetting something?

See why you should come? Only awesome things happen when you're here.
Love you, Rachey Baby.
Sing him the song.

Favorite pics:
Top Middle.
Bottome Left.

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